Many “shoes” such as the “Vibram 5 finger” have been constructed to allow safe barefoot running which allow safety from debris while allowing intrinsic foot muscle activation. This however, brings us back a few weeks when we were discussing the Sketchers shape up shoes. All of the guidelines for changing footwear applies if you are considering barefoot running. You should not attempt a “normal” run that you would perform in normal shoes barefoot. The results would most likely be in an injury. Instead any new footwear around the house, on short walks, and start to wean the activity into your routine. Also it is important to consult a professional in order to discuss whiter barefoot running is right for you and the safest way to begin.
For more information on training programs for runners, or to schedule a consultation for physical therapy, feel free to contact us at 518-690-4406 or visit our website at www.empirehwc.com or email us at ehwc7@nycap.rr.com.
William R. Milhizer PT, DPT