· Lab studies suggests that the chemicals in cranberries work together to help suppress the growth of some various human cancer cells
· These chemicals may also reduce the risk of hardening of your artieries. (Athrosclerosis).
· Cranberries are loaded with helpful antioxidants.
· Cranberries also contain two compounds that seem to keep certain bacteria from attacking the urinary tract wall. Some studies suggest that women who drink cranberry juice regularly may have fewer symptoms of UTI’s over a period of time.
We at Empire Health and Wellness would like to wish everyone a Happy Thanksgiving. We are very thankful that we are able to be a part of a wonderful and caring community. For more information on healthy living, or to schedule a consultation for physical therapy, feel free to contact us at 518-690-4406 or visit our website at www.empirehwc.com or email us at ehwc7@nycap.rr.com.
William Milhizer, DPT, PT
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