Albany Medical Center's
Diabetes Health Fair
Overcoming Limitations:
Designing a Fitness Plan
Presented by Brendan Sullivan, PT, CSCS
The 4th Annual Goodman Diabetes Health Fair is being held at Hudson Valley community college this weekend May 1st 8:30-2 PM. Our very own Brendan Sullivan PT and Owner of Empire Health and Wellness will be presenting on Overcoming Limitations: Designing a Fitness Plan in the Bulmer Telecommunications center at 1 PM. All are invited to attend and registration is allowed the day of the fair.
For more information about the Goodman Diabetes Health fair or getting ready for a pain free and active spring feel free to contact us at 518-690-4406, visit our website at www.empirehwc.com or email us at ehwc7@nycap.rr.com.
William R. Milhizer PT, DPT