1. Caesar Salad
a. Unfortunately the word salad does not always equal “good for you”. the dressing in salad may add up to 300 to 400 calories in a small bowl of salad alone! To remedy this use about 1 tsp of dressing and a small amount of parmesan cheese.
2. Smoothies
a. When at the mall or shopping center a smoothie may seem like a healthy snack; however, they contain around 300 calories and lots of sugar. When hungry for a smoothie, make one yourself from fresh fruit or ask the vendor what is in the smoothie and consider adding whey protein.
3. Energy bars
a. These are basically glorified candy bars with a high caloric price tag. Most of these bars are small and compact which also will generally leave you hungry for more.
4. Enhanced/ Flavored water
a. Be sure to look at the calories on the bottle before selecting which is right for you. Normally it will show up to 125 calories which is about as much as a can of soda! Watch your intake and always choose normal water over flavored water, and if you need to use a lemon to add flavor you your water.
There are many food options out there. My advice to everyone is to watch your caloric intake. This information in more readily available for you and should not be ignored. Also if you need help planning you diet make an appointment with a nutritionist. There is help out there for people who need it.
For more information on healthy living, or to schedule a consultation for physical therapy, feel free to contact us at 518-690-4406 or visit our website at www.empirehwc.com or email us at ehwc7@nycap.rr.com.
William Milhizer, DPT, PT