1. Crash diets
a. To loose weight fast you may decide to cut your caloric intake significantly. This will work in the short term; however, as soon as you return to your normal eating habits and stop your diet you may gain weight even easier than before. As you consume fewer calories you essentially “train” your body to have a slower metabolism. As you begin to eat more, your body burns the calories slowly and promotes weight gain.
2. Skipping breakfast
a. As we talked about in our blog skipping breakfast can be a big mistake. Skipping meals may be an easy way to consume fewer calories; however, skipping breakfast may lead to increased hunger and snacking throughout the day.
3. Losing track of snacks
a. Food at work, office parties, candy all of these can be easily overlooked as excess snacking. A snacking diary is a good way to take control of snacking throughout the day.
These are a few habits that may stop a successful diet plan. If you were thinking of “dieting” my main suggestion would be to create a log of what you are eating throughout the day. This will allow you to monitor your intake and make healthy adjustments to your eating plan. This will help you take an active role in your diet plan.
For more information on healthy living, or to schedule a consultation for physical therapy, feel free to contact us at 518-690-4406 or visit our website at www.empirehwc.com or email us at ehwc7@nycap.rr.com.
William Milhizer, DPT, PT