Achieving a healthy lifestyle can be challenging as it involves making good choices. The major components needed to achieve optimal health include
both exercise and diet. Unfortunately, for most individuals when it comes to food intake, portion size is extremely overestimated during all meals. In searching the internet for reliable information I came across a great resource for clients. Follow this link to the WebMD website at www.webmd.com/diet/healthtool-portion-size-plate. It compares many foods to household items to indicate serving size. When looking at this site attempt to pick out foods that you eat most often or foods that you eat that you know you may eat too much. This may give you a new outlook on your diet and help you control your excess calorie intake.
For more information on healthy living, or to schedule a consultation for physical therapy, feel free to contact us at 518-690-4406 or visit our website at www.empirehwc.com or email us at ehwc7@nycap.rr.com.
William Milhizer, DPT, PT
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